James Leroy BANISTER 3
- Born: 4 September 1867, Louisiana, USA 1 4 5
- Marriage (1): Belle Boyd BYRAM on 25 January 1899 in Red River County, Texas, USA 1 2
- Marriage (2): Tennie Bell GALLAWAY on 24 June 1910 in Red River County, Texas, USA
- Died: 5 April 1957, Tahoka, Lynn County, Texas, USA at age 89 6
- Buried: 7 April 1957, Tahoka, Lynn County, Texas, USA
Cause of his death was cerebrovascular accident; cerebral thrombosis; auricular fibrillation.
Other names for James were James BANISTER,4 5 James L. BANISTER 1 and Jim BANISTER.
Death Notes
Tahoka Hospital Clinic
Burial Notes
Tahoka Cemetery, Block 9
Recorded Events in His Life
- Parents: Baalam Banister and Margaret Harvey.
- He worked as a farmer on 6 June 1900 in Justice Precinct 8 (North Half), Red River County, Texas, USA. 1
- He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census on 6 June 1900 in Justice Precinct 8 (North Half), Red River County, Texas, USA. 1
Banister, James L Head W M Sept 1867 32 M 1 Louisiana Louisiana Mississippi Farmer -------- Belle Wife W F May 1880 20 M 1 0 0 Texas -------- Margaret Mother W F 1847 52 Wd 1 1 Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana -------- Henry W Brother W M Nov 1873 26 S Texas Louisiana Mississippi Farmer -------- Maudie Sister W F Aug 1883 16 S Texas Louisiana Mississippi -------- Madge Sister W F Sept 1885 14 S Texas Louisiana Mississippi Chambless John H Boarder W M Dec 1882 17 S Texas Georgia Virginia Farm Laborer Thompson Morgan Boarder B M Jan 1851 49 M 29 Alabama South Carolina Virginia Farm Laborer Bruce Charley Boarder B M Jun 1881 19 Texas Georgia Georgia Farm Laborer Thorne Frank Boarder B M July 1882 17 Alabama Alabama Alabama Farm Laborer
- He worked as a general store merchant on 9 May 1910 in Justice Precinct 8, Red River County, Texas, USA. 4
- He appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census on 9 May 1910 in Justice Precinct 8, Red River County, Texas, USA. 4
Banister James Head M W 42 Wd Louisiana Louisiana Miss Merchant / Gen. Store -------- Leroy Son M W 9 S Texas Louisiana Texas none -------- Cloman Son M W 8 S Texas Louisiana Texas none -------- Margaret Mother F W 63 Wd 10 8 Miss Miss Miss none -------- Madge Sister F W 23 S Texas Louisiana Miss Teacher / Public School
- He worked as a farmer on 9 April 1920 in Justice Precinct 2, Foard County, Texas, USA. 5
- He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census on 9 April 1920 in Justice Precinct 2, Foard County, Texas, USA. 5
Banister, James Head M W 52 M Louisiana Alabama Alabama Farmer / General Farm -------- Tennie B Wife F W 35 M Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas none -------- Roy Son M W 19 S Texas Louisiana Arkansas none -------- Cloman Son M W 17 S Texas Louisiana Arkansas none Kennedy, Opal Step Daughter F W 15 S Texas Arkansas Arkansas none ------- James M Step Son M W 11 S Texas Arkansas Arkansas none

- He was buried at the Tahoka Cemetery in Tahoka, Lynn County, Texas, USA on 7 April 1957.
James married Belle Boyd BYRAM on 25 January 1899 in Red River County, Texas, USA.1 2 (Belle Boyd BYRAM was born on 3 May 1880 in Texas, USA,2 died on 16 June 1904 in Red River County, Texas, USA 7 and was buried in 1904 in Annona, Red River County, Texas, USA.)
James next married Tennie Bell GALLAWAY on 24 June 1910 in Red River County, Texas, USA. (Tennie Bell GALLAWAY was born on 3 September 1884 in Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas, USA,8 died on 31 December 1962 in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, USA 9 and was buried about 2 January 1963 in Tahoka, Lynn County, Texas, USA.). The cause of her death was Pneumonia.