Lillie Mae QUINSEY 1
- Born: 19 May 1907, Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico, USA 2 3
- Died: 31 July 1984, Odessa, Ector County, Texas, USA at age 77 3 4
Other names for Lillie were Lillie M. QUINSEY 2 and Lillie WATSON.
Recorded Events in Her Life
- She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census on 21 May 1910 in Ogle Precinct, Quay County, New Mexico, USA. 2
Quinsey, Levi C. Head M W 41 M1 15 Michigan New York Can.-English Farmer / General farm ------- Susan A. Wife F W 38 M1 15 11 7 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee None ------- Earl R. Son M W 16 S Oklahoma Michigan Tennessee Farm laborer / Home farm ------- Julia J. Dau F W 15 S Oklahoma Michigan Tennessee None ------- Doris E. Dau F W 9 S Michigan Michigan Tennessee None ------- Sybil P. Dau F W 6 S Texas Michigan Tennessee None ------- Lillie M. Dau F W 3 S New Mexico Michigan Tennessee None ------- Edward R. Son M W 11/12 S New Mexico Michigan Tennessee None
- She has conflicting death information of 30 July 1984 and Odessa, Ector County, Texas, USA. 3