Mary Cousar MUIR 3
- Born: 7 July 1898, Cathcart, Renfrewshire, Scotland 4 5
- Marriage (1): John Morris CHALLIS on 25 October 1924 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, USA 1 2
- Marriage (2): Isidore BECKSTROM about July 1930 in Washington, USA
- Died: 25 July 1982, Seattle, King County, Washington, USA at age 84
Other names for Mary were Mary M. BECKSTROM, Mary M. CHALLIS, Mary MUIR 5 and Mary C. MUIR.4
Recorded Events in Her Life
- She appeared on the 1901 Census of Scotland on 31 March 1901 in Cathcart, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 6
John C Muir Head 30 Glasgow, Lanarkshire Photographic Deaces Assistant Elizabeth Muir Wife 29 Glasgow, Lanarkshire Marcella A Muir Daughter 4 Glasgow, Lanarkshire Mary Cousar Muir Daughter 2 Glasgow, Lanarkshire Catherine G Muir Daughter 1 Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census on 18 April 1910 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA. 4
Muir John C Head M W 39 M1 15 Scot(English) Scot(English) Scot(English) Salesman / Photographer ---- Elizabeth G. Wife F W 39 M1 15 3 3 Scot(English) Scot(English) Scot(English) none ---- Marcilla A.A. Daughter F W 13 S Scot(English) Scot(English) Scot(English) none ---- Mary C. Daughter F W 11 S Scot(English) Scot(English) Scot(English) none ---- Catherine G. Daughter F W 10 S Scot(English) Scot(English) Scot(English) none
- She worked as a telephone operator on 9 January 1920 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA. 5
- She appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census on 9 January 1920 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA. 5
Muir John C Head M W 48 M 1906 Na 1913 Scotland Scotland Scotland Machinist / Shipyards ---- Elizabeth Wife F W 48 M 1907 Na 1913 Scotland Scotland Scotland None ---- Mary Daughter F W 21 S 1907 Na 1913 Scotland Scotland Scotland Operator / Telephone ---- Catherine Daughter F W 19 S 1907 Na 1913 Scotland Scotland Scotland Auditor / Department Store
- She worked as a telephone operator on 7 April 1930 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA. 2
- She appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census on 7 April 1930 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA. 2
Person, Sebert R Head M W 30 M 23 Minnesota Sweden Sweden Repairman / Telephone Co ------ Katherine Wife F W 30 M 22 Scotland Scotland Scotland 1907 Na None ------ Bobby Son M W 6 S Washington Minnesota Scotland None ------ Betty Daughter F W 6 S Washington Minnesota Scotland None Challis, Mary Sister in law F W 31 D Scotland Scotland Scotland 1907 Na Operator / Telephone
Mary married John Morris CHALLIS on 25 October 1924 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, USA.1 2 The marriage ended in divorce before 1930. (John Morris CHALLIS was born on 11 January 1890 in Hecla, Brown County, South Dakota, USA and died on 12 April 1955 in Orting, Pierce County, Washington, USA.)
Mary next married Isidore BECKSTROM about July 1930 in Washington, USA. (Isidore BECKSTROM was born on 31 December 1887 in Sweden and died on 14 August 1972 in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA.)
Recorded Events about their Marriage
- Isidore Beckstrom and Mary Cousar Muir applied for a Marriage License on 24 June 1930 in Snohomish County, Washington, USA.