Harold Ray VAN DYKE 1 2 3
- Born: 29 January 1925, Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, USA 1 2
- Marriage (1): Bernice Ellen WITTEN on 25 October 1943 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, USA 1 2
- Died: 26 August 2008, East Wenatchee, Douglas County, Washington, USA at age 83
Recorded Events in His Life
- He had a residence on 24 October 1943 in Orondo, Douglas County, Washington, USA. 1 2
Harold married Bernice Ellen WITTEN, daughter of Angelus Christopher WITTEN and Mary Floella FLERCHINGER, on 25 October 1943 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, USA.1 2 (Bernice Ellen WITTEN was born on 18 September 1923 in Waterville, Douglas County, Washington, USA and died on 27 February 1973 in Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, USA.)
Recorded Events about their Marriage

- Gallery: Transcript of Marriage Record, on 25 October 1943, in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, USA. 1 2
STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH. No. 82603. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the undersigned, a clergyman by authority of a License bearing date of the 25th day of October, A. D. 1943, and issued by the County Auditor of the County of Pierce did, on the 25th day of October, A. D. 1943, at the hour of 4:45 P. M. in the County and State aforesaid, join IN LAWFUL WEDLOCK Harold Ray Van Dyke of Orondo State of Wash. Place of birth Wenatchee, Wash, Age last birthday 18 and Ellen Bernice Witten of Waterville State of Wash. Place of birth Waterville, Wash. Age last birthday 19 with their mutual assent, in the presence of Mrs. Ester Van Dyke and Pete Van Dyke Witnesses. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Witness the signatures of the parties to said ceremony, the witnesses and myself, this 25th day of October, A. D. 1943. Witness Mrs. Pet Van Dyke, Pete Van Dyke. Parties Harold Ray Van Dyke Male, Ellen Bernice Witten Female. Officiating Clergyman of [sic] Officer A. K. Vinje, 1712 Everett Ave., P.O. Address Everett, Washington
- Harold Ray Van Dyke and Bernice Ellen Witten applied for a Marriage License on 25 October 1943 in Pierce County, Washington, USA. 1 2