John Vincent BELL 1 2 3 4
- Born: 23 August 1909, Hexham, Northumberland, England 2 3 4
- Died: June 2001, Wandsworth, London, England at age 91 4
Recorded Events in His Life
- He appeared on the 1911 England Census on 2 April 1911 in Hexham, Northumberland, England. 3 Address: 5, West View Terrace, Fellside, Hexham
Richard Bell Head M 29 Married Turner and Fitter Engineering / Worker Northumberland, Hexham Margaret Low Bell Wife F 21 Married* Edinburgh, Colinton Scotland Richard Bell Son M 3 Lancs. Bury John Vincent Bell Son M 1 Northumber'd, Hexham Margaret Bell Daughter F 5 months North'd, Hexham *Married for 3 years; 3 children born alive, 3 children still living; 0 children deceased.