Robert FORREST 1 2
- Born: 31 August 1819, Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2 3
- Christened: 24 September 1819, New Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2
Birth Notes
Gartsherie House
Christening Notes
[New Monkland Parish Register]
Forrest. Robert Forrest Son of James Forrest, Brewer in Airdrie & Janet
Kirk was born 31st Aug't & bapt'd 24th Septr. 1819
Recorded Events in His Life

- He has conflicting birth information of 31 August 1819 and Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland. [Haddington Parish Register]
22d August 1819
Forrest. James Brewer and Janet Kirk his Spouse
had a Son born at Gartsherie House parish of Old
Monkland 31st August & bap'd 20th Septr. 1819
name Robert — witnesses George Forrest
& David Kirk ----- N.B. Registered in the Book
of New Monkland
- He has conflicting christening information of 20 September 1819 and New Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 2 from the Haddington Parish Register
- He had a residence on 24 September 1819 in Airdrie, New Monkland Parish, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
- He worked as a brewer on 6 June 1841 in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 4
- He appeared on the 1841 Census of Scotland on 6 June 1841 in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 4
James Forrist M 50 Scotland Brewer Jess Forrist F 35 Scotland Robert Forrist M 20 Lanarkshire, Scotland Brewer James Forrist M 15 Lanarkshire, Scotland Helen Forrist F 10 Lanarkshire, Scotland Jess Forrist F 10 Lanarkshire, Scotland Patrick Forrist M 5 Lanarkshire, Scotland Margaret Granger F 25 Lanarkshire, Scotland Female Servant