Private James JEFFREY 1
- Born: 19 May 1893, Rothesay, Bute, Scotland 2
- Died: 7 July 1916, Somme, Picardie, France at age 23
- Buried: 1916, Armentieres, Departement du Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Cause of his death was Killed in Action.
Burial Notes
Cité Bonjean Military Cemetery, Plot II. C. 45
Recorded Events in His Life

- Departure: Travelling aboard the steamship "Kumara," en route to Port Charmers, New Zealand, on 9 January 1909, in London, England.
- He had a residence in 1914 in Roslyn, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
- He served in the military as a Private in the Otago Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces (service number 8/2628) in 1915-1916.

- He was buried at the Cité Bonjean Military Cemetery, Plot II. C. 45, In Armentieres, Departement du Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France in 1916.