Delbert Wayne REED 1
- Born: 21 March 1923, Texas, USA 2
- Died: 9 October 2004, China Spring, McLennan County, Texas, USA at age 81 3
Other names for Delbert were Delmert W. REED,2 Delmout W. REED and Jack REED.
Recorded Events in His Life
- He appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census on 15 April 1930 in Justice Precinct 2, Coleman County, Texas, USA. 2
Reed Will R. Head M W 40 M 20 Texas Georgia Texas laborer/general farming " Bettie Wife F W 38 M 18 Texas Texas Texas none " Zell Dau F W 17 S Texas Texas Texas none " Alford Son M W 16 S Texas Texas Texas none " Haskell Son M W 14 S Texas Texas Texas none " Nadine Dau F W 12 S Texas Texas Texas none " Delmert W. Son M W 7 S Texas Texas Texas none " Alice W. Dau F W 5 S Texas Texas Texas none " Elmo Son M W 1 6/12 S Texas Texas Texas none
- He had a residence in 1988 in Burnet, Burnet County, Texas, USA.