Recorded Events in Her Life
- She appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census on 4 June 1880 in Buckhart Township, Christian County, Illinois, USA. 3
Charles Wood Head W M 40 Farmer Ohio Ohio Ohio
Malissa Wood Wife W F 34 Keeping house Illinois Tennessee Illinois
Alwilda A. Wood Dau W F 6 Illinois Ohio Illinois
James M. Wood Son W M 3 Illinois Ohio Illinois
James A. Cooper W M 20 Works on farm Kansas Illinois Illinois
- She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census on 7 June 1900 in Noble Township, Richland County, Illinois, USA. 5
Census (07 June 1900) — Noble Township, Richland County, Illinois, USA
Dwelling Number; Family Number; Name; Relation; Race; Gender; Birth Month and Year; Age; Marital Status; Number of Years Married;
Mother of How Many Children; Number of Children Still Living; Birthplace; Father's Birthplace; Mother's Birthplace; Occupation;
Months Not Employed
179 183 Jewett, Elias Head* W M Oct 1845 54 M 22 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Farmer 0
------, Lucinda Wife† W F Dec 1846 53 M 22 3 2 Victoria Australia Massachusetts Van Demans Australia
------, Fred E. Son W M Oct 1881 18 S Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa Farm laborer 4
Richmond, W. W. S. Son W M July 1867 32 W 3 Iowa New York Victoria Australia Teamster 5
Cheek, Elizabeth Ward W F Un 1892 8 S Illinois unknown unknown
Moore, J.B.B.W. F. in Law W M Feb 1809 91 W Massachusetts England Connecticut
180 184 Richmond, Rollie W. Head** W M Aug 1870 29 M 3 Iowa New York Victoria Australia Farm laborer 3
--------, Nancy M. Wife W F Dec 1871 28 M 3 1 1 Illinois Indiana Pennsylvania
--------, Everett Son W M July 1898 1 S Illinois Iowa Illinois
185 189 Wood, Malissa Head*** W F July 1844 55 W 29 6 4 Illinois Tennessee Illinois
----, Alwilda Daughter W F Feb 1874 26 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Domestic 0
----, James M. Son W M June 1876 23 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Farm laborer 4
----, Wm. B. Son W M June 1882 18 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Farm laborer 4
----, Carrie B. Daughter W F Apr 1884 16 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Domestic 0
*owns farm free **rents home ***owns farm, mortgaged †Number of years married originally written as 34, but crossed out and corrected to 22
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Noble, Richland, Illinois; Roll: T623 338; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 124.