Wilheminia Regetta RITTEMYER 2
- Born: June 1854, Hanover, Germany 1
- Marriage (1): Alphonso Rolla MOORE on 1 March 1870 in Dubuque County, Iowa, USA 1
- Died: 5 December 1911, Fornfelt (Scott City), Scott County, Missouri, USA at age 57 3
- Buried: 7 December 1911, near Kelso Township, Scott County, Missouri, USA 3
Cause of her death was Chronic Valvular Disease with Dilation of the Heart, with Congestion of Kidneys; with Hypostatic Pneumonia contributing.3
Other names for Wilheminia were Mina MOORE,4 Minnie MOORE, Minnie MORE 1 and Minna RILLMEYER.
Death Notes
10 pm
Burial Notes
Cemetery not specified on death certificate, but is possibly Lightner Cemetery.
Recorded Events in Her Life
- She has conflicting birth information of June 1854 and Prussia. 4
- She appeared on the 1870 US Federal Census on 19 July 1870 in Lincoln Township, Calhoun County, Iowa, USA. 1
1870 Census (19 July 1870) — Lincoln Township, Calhoun County, Iowa, USA
Real Personal No. Name Age Sex Race Occupation Estate Estate Birthplace Remarks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Walton Benjamin 31 M W Farmer -- -- Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ------ Anna 25 F W Keeping House -- -- New York -- ------ Mary 5 F W -- -- -- Illinois -- ------ Edward 2 M W -- -- -- Iowa --
56 Antrim John 28 M W Work on Farm -- 300 Ohio male US citizen >21 yrs ------ Louse 27 F W Keeping House -- -- Australia* -- ------ Kasiah 5 F W -- -- -- Iowa** -- ------ William 3 M W -- -- -- Iowa** --
57 More John 62 M W Farmer -- -- Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ---- Elizabeth 56 F W Keeping House -- -- Massachusetts --
58 More Alfonso 25 M W Work on Farm -- 400 Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ---- Minnie 16 F W Keeping House -- -- Germany Hanover* -- More Alonzo 31 M W Work on Farm -- -- Germany Hanover* -- ---- Genetta 22 F W Keeping House -- -- Iowa** -- ---- Daniel 3 M W -- -- -- Iowa*** -- ---- Davis 2 M W -- -- -- Iowa*** --
*both parents of foreign birth **mother of foreign birth ***father of foreign birth --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Lincoln, Calhoun, Iowa; Roll: M593_380; Page: 13; Image: 26.
- She appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census on 2 June 1880 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. 4
Census — Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA (June 2-3, 1880)
Marital Father's Mother's No. Name Relation Race Gender Status Age Occupation Birthplace Birthplace Birthplace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Moore Alphonso W Male M 35 Farmer Australia Massachusetts Vandemonds Land ----- Mina Wife W Female M 26 Keeping house Prussia Prussia Prussia ----- Edward Son W Male S 8 At school Iowa Australia Prussia ----- Ema Daughter W Female S 4 At home Iowa Australia Prussia ----- Anna Daughter W Female S 2 At home Iowa Australia Prussia
21 Moore Alonzo W Male M 40 Farmer Australia Massachusetts Vandemonds Land ----- Jennetta Wife W Female M 32 Keeping house Iowa Pennsylvania Missouri ----- Daniel B Son W Male S 13 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Lewis N Son W Male S 11 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Clara J Daughter W Female S 9 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Joseph H Son W Male S 6 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Sarah L Daughter W Female S 5 At home Iowa Australia Iowa ----- William Son W Male S 3 At home Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Grace Daughter W Female S 9/12* At home Iowa Australia Iowa Moore John B.B.W. Father W Male Wd 71 Retired Farmer Massachusetts England England
*born in September ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Jefferson, Dubuque, Iowa; Roll: T9_338; Family History Film: 1254338; Pages: 340.2000 and 341.3000; Enumeration District: 180; Images: 0503 and 0504.
- She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census in 1900 in Richland County, Illinois, USA.
1900 Richland County, IL. Census:
146 Moore A.R. H M 3/1845 55 m/30 QL MA QL Mer Minnie W F 6/1854 45 m/30 5/3 GR GR GR
147 Murray Chas A. H M 2/1875 25 m/2 IL IN WV Far Emma W F 1/1876 24 m/2 1/1 IA QL GR Violet D F 11/1898 1 s IL IL IA
Emma is the daughter of A. R. Moore and is living next door to him in the 1900 census.

- Gallery: Death Certificate, on 5 December 1911, in Fornfelt (Scott City), Scott County, Missouri, USA.