John Bartlett Baldwin Wrightson MOORE 3
- Born: February 1809, Massachusetts, USA 4 5 6 7 8
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth COOPER on 15 April 1839 in Sorell, Hobart, Van Diemen's Land 1 2
- Died: 21 January 1902, Noble, Richland County, Illinois, USA at age 92
- Buried: 22 January 1902, Noble, Richland County, Illinois, USA
Cause of his death was Old Age and natural causes.
Other names for John were J. B. B. W. MOORE,5 8 John B. B. W. MOORE,7 John Bartlett Baldwin Wright MOORE and John MORE.6
General Notes
A transcription of his obituary from the paper states that:
"Joseph Bartlett Baldwin Wrightson Moore died January 21, 1902 at the residence of E.W. Jewett. Mr. Moore was born in Boston, Mass., in April 1809, educated at Cambridge, Mass. and began life early on the high seas where he remained for 25 years. He married in Melbourne, Australia, and accumulated a fortune there.
He is survived by five children, four of which survived him, his wife dying in the 70's. He was the son of Sir William Henry Moore, triplet brother to Sir Wrightson and Sir John Moore, English Generals.
He leaves four Children, twenty-one grandchildren and six great grandchildren to mourn their loss."
This was from the Olney Advocate on January 31, 1902 (Olney, Richland County, Illinois).
A family story is told about John Barlett Baldwin Wrightson Moore. He had measles when in his 80's and walked with a cane afterwards. When he had measles he would not stay in bed, so the doctor came out and made a jacket of linen, soaked it in oil, and sewed him into it. then they told the family to let him set out on the porch if he wanted. The jacket soaked in oil was to keep the cold air from getting to him.
Genealogy notes on a family paper says in part:
Sir John, Henry, and Sir Wrightson were brothers. Henry married the first time in England and had three daughters and one son. Henry remarried in Greater Cambridge and had one son there. The original writing says that John Bartlett Baldwin Wrightson Moore was the one born in Greater Cambridge, but someone else has penned in that the boy born in England was JBBW Moore. So maybe that is where some of the confusion is coming from. I does go on to show JBBW Moore getting married to an Elizabeth McGinnis in Melbourne about 1838. It shows they had the following children:
Alonzo born 1840
Alfonso Raleigh born 1842
Louisa born 1844
Lucinda born 1846
William Alonzo born 1854
Transcription of a letter believed to be from Elizabeth's brother:
Carlton, Sept 22, '67
My Dear Sister,
I received your kind letter dated 20th February. I can say it was a surprise and agreeable one too.
I was rejoiced to hear from you many a time have we wondered at you long silence and suffered you dead. You may readily conceive the joy that prevailed among us when we became acquainted that you not only lived, but that you Husband and family were living and well.
You will doubtley (sp???=I can't read that word) should these few lines reach you better imagine than I can describe the joy in hearing form those we love who through circumstances both placed a great distance between still claim a share of our sympathy and love, love in which in consequence of the distance which separates us and the letter intercourse exchange, appear cold, till awakened by the touch or voice of those who have been partakers together of the innocent sport, pleasure e and happiness of childhood. Tis so my sister with friends. How much more with relations bound by the tie of birth and claim the endearing name of sister O Elizabeth.
The remembrance of early day stops my writing, my heart is full, tears flow copiously down my cheek as I sit beneath the roof where our family was wont to dwell, once a happy and united family now so widely separated. Shall we ever meet again in the world. I fear not, but O my sister may I hope of meeting and yours in that better world even at the right-hand of God. But to do this we must depart from wickedness and serve the living God, :"for it is written the wicked shall be cast into hell and all nations that forget God." I do not intend to say much at present about our family but will give further particulars when next I write.
Father still live Cooper is on the old place Rezia is up at Rob (unsure of spelling there again) Lewis is in New Zealand. Thomas is in Melbourne Susan is there also. She is turned to be a christian. O that all were indeed Christian. You must content yourself at present with this. If the blessed God who (I hope I love permit me to write again, I will endeavour to give you a n account of my self and all within my reach that I think may interest you. We heard Mr. Moore and his son was killed in the war how glad to find it not so.
We could and I trust did symapthis with you all in feeling the sad affair of Civil War. I believe it is ended and I thank God for it. "I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me because he trusteth in me saith the Lord". May this peace be yours my sister. Give my kind love to Mr. Moore and all the family. Now write to me my sister soon that I may know you get this and then you will hear again from your affet Brother Hugh McGenny (Again not positive of the spelling here.)
More family stories:
(1) When they sailed from Australia to the Isthmus of Panama, it took six months. They did it via Panama (going that far by ship then overland to the United States) The adults then rode mules from there up to the United States, and they hired Negroes to carry the five children. It cost them $50 per day for either a mule or a man to carry. They were said to have carried gold in belts around their waists, and Lucinda's mothers back gave her trouble because of the weight of the gold. They made their way to New York, where John is said to have gone into politics, running for congress. He lost all of his money doing this and then went to Northwest Iowa to homestead. (The version of the story I heard was that they paid $5 a day, not $50. kmh.)
(2) Another uncle of mine remembers being told of an incident when the Moore's had the store in Australia. Lucinda was apparently alone in the store and an Aborigine came in and was giving her trouble. She picked up a rifle (perhaps a muzzle loader) and pointed it at him. He looked down the barrel at her and asked "You gottee Ballee?" (As Lucinda emigrated when she was such a young child, it is more likely that this story referred to Elizabeth Cooper, Lucinda's mother. kmh.)
Possible birth record: Massachusetts Town Birth Records:
Name: John MOORE
Birth Date: Oct. 11, 1814
Birth Place: Rutland
Mother's Name: Sally
Father's Name: William
Sex: M
Burial Notes
Freedom Cemetery
Recorded Events in His Life
- He worked as a Sea Captain.
- He has conflicting birth information of April 1809 and Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 5
- He has conflicting birth information of Abt 1813 and Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 1 9
- He worked as a master mariner on 5 February 1840 in Hobart, Van Diemen's Land.
- He worked as a publican on 23 April 1842 in Hobart, Van Diemen's Land.
- He worked as a farmer on 5 March 1845 in Horton, Van Diemen's Land. Horton is now known Burnie, Tasmania, Australia.
- He appeared on the Iowa State Census in 1854 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. From:
CENSUS-YEAR: 1854 STATE: Iowa COUNTY: Dubuque DIVISION: Jefferson Twp ENUMERATOR: [unkown] MICROFILM: HQ #221-5, FHL# 1022206:
Page 1 Line 8 Head of family: Moore, John B. B. W. 4 white males, 4 white females, 0 colored males, 0 colored females, 1 voters, 0 militia, 0 aliens, 8 total
- He appeared on the Iowa State Census in 1856 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. 5
J B B W Moore 47 M Married 3 years resident in Iowa Massachusetts farmer Elizabeth Moore 44 F Married 3 years resident in Iowa Australia Alonzo Moore 16 M 3 years resident in Iowa Australia Louisa Moore 14 F 3 years resident in Iowa Australia Alphonso Moore 12 M 3 years resident in Iowa Australia Lucinda Moore 9 F 3 years resident in Iowa Australia William Moore -- M 3 years resident in Iowa Australia
- He appeared on the 1860 US Federal Census on 27 June 1860 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. 9
1860 Federal Census - Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa
Page,Family #,Dwelling #,Surname,Given,Age,Sex,Color,Occupation,Real Estate Value,Personal Estate Value,Nativity,Married within 181,337,323,Moore,John B.B.W.,47,M,,Farmer,1000,400,Massachts,, 181,337,323,Moore,Elizabeth,46,F,,,,,Australia,, 181,337,323,Moore,Alonzo,20,M,,Farm Laborer,,,Australia,, 181,337,323,Moore,Louise C.,18,F,,,,,Australia,, 181,337,323,Moore,Alphonse,15,M,,,,,Australia,, 182,337,323,Moore,Lucinda,13,F,,,,,Australia,, 182,337,323,Moore,William,10,M,,,,,Australia,,
- He appeared on the 1870 US Federal Census on 19 July 1870 in Lincoln Township, Calhoun County, Iowa, USA. 6
1870 Census (19 July 1870) — Lincoln Township, Calhoun County, Iowa, USA
Real Personal No. Name Age Sex Race Occupation Estate Estate Birthplace Remarks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Walton Benjamin 31 M W Farmer -- -- Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ------ Anna 25 F W Keeping House -- -- New York -- ------ Mary 5 F W -- -- -- Illinois -- ------ Edward 2 M W -- -- -- Iowa --
56 Antrim John 28 M W Work on Farm -- 300 Ohio male US citizen >21 yrs ------ Louse 27 F W Keeping House -- -- Australia* -- ------ Kasiah 5 F W -- -- -- Iowa** -- ------ William 3 M W -- -- -- Iowa** --
57 More John 62 M W Farmer -- -- Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ---- Elizabeth 56 F W Keeping House -- -- Massachusetts --
58 More Alfonso 25 M W Work on Farm -- 400 Massachusetts male US citizen >21 yrs ---- Minnie 16 F W Keeping House -- -- Germany Hanover* -- More Alonzo 31 M W Work on Farm -- -- Germany Hanover* -- ---- Genetta 22 F W Keeping House -- -- Iowa** -- ---- Daniel 3 M W -- -- -- Iowa*** -- ---- Davis 2 M W -- -- -- Iowa*** --
*both parents of foreign birth **mother of foreign birth ***father of foreign birth --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Lincoln, Calhoun, Iowa; Roll: M593_380; Page: 13; Image: 26.
- He worked as a retired farmer on 3 June 1880 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. 7
- He appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census on 3 June 1880 in Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA. 7
Census — Jefferson Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA (June 2-3, 1880)
Marital Father's Mother's No. Name Relation Race Gender Status Age Occupation Birthplace Birthplace Birthplace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Moore Alphonso W Male M 35 Farmer Australia Massachusetts Vandemonds Land ----- Mina Wife W Female M 26 Keeping house Prussia Prussia Prussia ----- Edward Son W Male S 8 At school Iowa Australia Prussia ----- Ema Daughter W Female S 4 At home Iowa Australia Prussia ----- Anna Daughter W Female S 2 At home Iowa Australia Prussia
21 Moore Alonzo W Male M 40 Farmer Australia Massachusetts Vandemonds Land ----- Jennetta Wife W Female M 32 Keeping house Iowa Pennsylvania Missouri ----- Daniel B Son W Male S 13 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Lewis N Son W Male S 11 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Clara J Daughter W Female S 9 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Joseph H Son W Male S 6 At school Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Sarah L Daughter W Female S 5 At home Iowa Australia Iowa ----- William Son W Male S 3 At home Iowa Australia Iowa ----- Grace Daughter W Female S 9/12* At home Iowa Australia Iowa Moore John B.B.W. Father W Male Wd 71 Retired Farmer Massachusetts England England
*born in September ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Jefferson, Dubuque, Iowa; Roll: T9_338; Family History Film: 1254338; Pages: 340.2000 and 341.3000; Enumeration District: 180; Images: 0503 and 0504.

- Gallery: Abt 1894, in Olney, Richland County, Illinois, USA. Photograph of JBBW Moore (center), his daughter Lucinda (seated right), Lucinda's 2nd husband Elias Jewett (seated left), Elias' son Fred (and Lucinda's great-nephew), Lucinda's son William Richmond (center, standing), and an unidentified woman — possibly William's first wife, Ida Sloat.
- He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census on 7 June 1900 in Noble Township, Richland County, Illinois, USA. 8
Census (07 June 1900) — Noble Township, Richland County, Illinois, USA
Dwelling Number; Family Number; Name; Relation; Race; Gender; Birth Month and Year; Age; Marital Status; Number of Years Married; Mother of How Many Children; Number of Children Still Living; Birthplace; Father's Birthplace; Mother's Birthplace; Occupation; Months Not Employed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 183 Jewett, Elias Head* W M Oct 1845 54 M 22 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Farmer 0 ------, Lucinda Wife† W F Dec 1846 53 M 22 3 2 Victoria Australia Massachusetts Van Demans Australia ------, Fred E. Son W M Oct 1881 18 S Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa Farm laborer 4 Richmond, W. W. S. Son W M July 1867 32 W 3 Iowa New York Victoria Australia Teamster 5 Cheek, Elizabeth Ward W F Un 1892 8 S Illinois unknown unknown Moore, J.B.B.W. F. in Law W M Feb 1809 91 W Massachusetts England Connecticut
180 184 Richmond, Rollie W. Head** W M Aug 1870 29 M 3 Iowa New York Victoria Australia Farm laborer 3 --------, Nancy M. Wife W F Dec 1871 28 M 3 1 1 Illinois Indiana Pennsylvania --------, Everett Son W M July 1898 1 S Illinois Iowa Illinois
185 189 Wood, Malissa Head*** W F July 1844 55 W 29 6 4 Illinois Tennessee Illinois ----, Alwilda Daughter W F Feb 1874 26 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Domestic 0 ----, James M. Son W M June 1876 23 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Farm laborer 4 ----, Wm. B. Son W M June 1882 18 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Farm laborer 4 ----, Carrie B. Daughter W F Apr 1884 16 S Illinois Ohio Illinois Domestic 0
*owns farm free **rents home ***owns farm, mortgaged †Number of years married originally written as 34, but crossed out and corrected to 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Noble, Richland, Illinois; Roll: T623 338; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 124.
- His obituary was published in the Olney Advocate on 31 January 1902 in Olney, Richland County, Illinois, USA.
Joseph Bartlett Baldwin Wrightson Moore died January 21, 1902 at the residence of E.W. Jewett. Mr. Moore was born in Boston, Mass., in April 1809, educated at Cambridge, Mass. and began life early on the high seas where he remained for 25 years. He married in Melbourne, Australia, and accumulated a fortune there.
He is survived by five children, four of which survived him, his wife dying in the 70's. He was the son of Sir William Henry Moore, triplet brother to Sir Wrightson and Sir John Moore, English Generals.
He leaves four Children, twenty-one grandchildren and six great grandchildren to mourn their loss.