Betsey married Thomas Didymus SPAULDING, son of Leonard SPAULDING and Priscilla GLEASON, on 8 December 1805 in New Braintree, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.1 2 3 (Thomas Didymus SPAULDING was born on 17 October 1780 of Milton, Vermont, USA and died on 16 April 1829 in Lenox, Madison County, New York, USA.)
Recorded Events about their Marriage
Marriage Notes
Massachusetts Town Marriage Records:
Name: Betsy RICHMOND (see Ritchmond)
Spouse: Thomas Spalding
Marriage Place: Braintree
Source: Vital Records of Braintree
Full Text: RICHMOND (see Ritchmond), Betsy and Thomas Spalding [int. Spaulding], July 3 [1815].
Massachusetts Town Marriage Records:
Name: Elizabeth RICHMOND (see Ritchmond)
Spouse: Thomas Spalding
Marriage Date: Dec. 8, 1805
Marriage Place: Braintree
Source: Vital Records of Braintree
Full Text: Elizabeth and Thomas Spalding, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
Massachusetts Town Marriage Records:
Name: Thomas SPALDING
Spouse: Betsy Richmond
Marriage Place: Braintree
Source: Vital Records of Braintree
Full Text: Thomas [int. Spaulding] and Betsy Richmond, July 3 [1815
Massachusetts Town Marriage Records:
Name: Tho[ma]s Milton SPALDING
Spouse: Eliz[abet]h Richmond
Marriage Date: Dec. 8, 1805
Marriage Place: Braintree
Source: Vital Records of Braintree
Full Text: SPALDING, Tho[ma]s [of] Milton, Vt., and Eliz[abet]h Richmond, int. Dec. 8, 1805. 3
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