At Portsea, Hampshire, Susan Ann Shawyer (21 June 1857--4Oct 1886) on December 4, 1873, married Joseph Bell (28 May 1853---10 July 1895), a naval gunner. Five months after the birth of her last child (a baby girl), Susan Ann (b. Shawyer) Bell died (29 years old) of typhoid fever lasting 21 days. Once again a member of our families died of a gastrointestinal disease caused at this time by a poor understanding by doctors then of the part of germs in causing disease and by poor sanitation (sewage was allowed to leak into the public water supply). Joseph Bell, still a gunner (R.M.A.), was at her side in the Eastney Barracks when Susan Ann died (4 Oct 1886). She was buried at Portsmouth Cemetery on October 4, 1886. The death of his wife presented Joseph Bell with a tragic problem of awesome proportions. He did not have much income; he had no wife to take care of his children; and he had a job with the Royal Navy that took him out of port regularly for extended periods; his brothers had large families of their own and could not afford more mouths to feed. Joseph solved this problem by baptizing his last three (as yet unbaptized) children and by dividing up his family. ![]()
Joseph married Susan Ann SHAWYER, daughter of Richard SHAWYER and Susan Ann BURRIDGE, on 4 December 1873 in Portsea Island, Hampshire, England.1 2 3 4 (Susan Ann SHAWYER was born on 21 June 1857 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England,2 3 8 died on 4 October 1886 in Eastney Barracks, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England 2 5 and was buried on 4 October 1886 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England 2.). The cause of her death was typhoid fever lasting 21 days.2
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