George married Mary Alice HAMILTON on 12 August 1891 in Grand Bay, Mobile County, Alabama, USA.1 2 (Mary Alice HAMILTON was born in February 1872 in Mississippi, USA and died on 3 January 1949 in Grand Bay, Mobile County, Alabama, USA.)
Recorded Events about their Marriage
- Gallery: Marriage Record, on 12 August 1891, in Grand Bay, Mobile County, Alabama, USA. 1 2
The State of Alabama, MOBILE COUNTY. To the Judge of Probate of said County: I Hereby Certify, That I this day solemnized the rites of Matrimony between George W. Huffman and Mary A. Hamilton, who are within named, at Grand Bay, in said County. Witness my hand this, the 12th day of August 1891. Henry Bright. W.P. and J.P.