Earl married Gladys Ellen BARRON, daughter of Hubert Emulus BARRON and Mabel Eunice HUFFMAN, on 31 May 1938 in Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington, USA.1 2 (Gladys Ellen BARRON was born on 14 October 1919 in Valier, Pondera County, Montana, USA,1 2 5 6 died on 9 February 2018 near Arkadelphia, Clark County, Arkansas, USA and was buried in 2018 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, USA.)
Recorded Events about their Marriage
- Officiating: Lem R. Carter, Minister, of Lewiston, Idaho, 31 May 1938, Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington, USA. 1 2
- Earl Everett Firestone and Gladys Ellen Barron applied for a Marriage License on 31 May 1938 in Asotin County, Washington, USA. 1 2
- Gallery: Marriage Record, on 31 May 1938, in Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington, USA. 1 2
Marriage Return. Personal and Statistical Particulars. PLACE OF MARRIAGE. County of Asotin. City or Town of Clarkston. Date of Marriage 5-31-38. LICENSE No. 454. Date of License 5/31/38. GROOM. Earl Everett Firestone, residence Valier, Mont., 26, Caucasian, divorced, one previous marriage, born Ottawa, Kansas, labor[er], son of Jame C. Firestone born Ottawa, Kans. and Sarah Sleppy born Ohio. BRIDE. Gladys Ellen Barron, residence Valier, Mont., 18, Caucasian, Spinster, no previous marriages, born Valier, Mont, no occupation, daughter of Hubert Barron born Jamesboro, Tenn. and Mabel Huffman born Pomeroy, Wash. Certificate of Person Performing Ceremony. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the above is a true return of said marriage. Lem R. Carter, Minister, Lewiston, Ida.