Guestbook for Hainings, Harrowers, Powells, Richmonds, and Related Families
Hainings, Harrowers, Powells, Richmonds, and Related Families
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Admin reply: Hi, Angela... I did eventually send you your reply to my private post (as you know).
However, for anyone wondering... my guestbook broke for a couple of years. To my sorrow, I didn't notice that had happened because I had so little time for genealogy research. But everything is fixed now, so please go ahead and leave me a message.
Best regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: January 28, 2022
Submitted by Name: Carol Kue From: Vancouver, Wa E-mail: Contact
Thanks for visiting my website. I'll send a reply by direct email. Happy New Year!
Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: December 24, 2021
Submitted by Name: Karen Maloney From: Scotland E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi I am researching my family history and found a photo of a cousin of my Grandmother. It states on the back of the photo Reverend Andrew Mutch and his wife. It appears to be taken at "The heads of the Horse on 25th August but no year.
Admin reply: Hi, Karen —
I'll send you a direct email. I'd love to get more information to make sure the Andrew Mutch in your photo is the same one in my tree. If so, I'd also love to get a digital copy of the photo.
Thanks for stopping by my website!
Regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: September 27, 2021
Submitted by Name: Emily Amundson From: Pendleton, Oregon E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi. My name is Emily Amundson. I am a descendant of Helen Fanny Blackwell. She is my great grandmother. I'm doing research on the Cobbs part of our family and I am horribly confused about the parentage of James Murray Cobbs. Some places I see the father and mother as William John Cobbs and Emeline Jane Jennings. And other places, I see the father as Samuel B Cobbs and the mother Jane Louise Houston. And even William Cobbs and Jane Houston. I know on your page, it says Samuel and Jane--and it says Samuel was sometimes called William. Can you please explain how this information is correct because I'm finding so many different variants, I'm not sure which is correct.
Admin reply: Hi, Emily —
After you stopped by my website, I did some more digging into James Murray Cobbs' birth and parentage. I have also seen the alternate set of parents. The problem is, there are no definitive records that anyone can find that says it's one way or another. I was not able to find his marriage record (and marriage records don't always say who the parents are anyway). His death certificate, which I posted a copy of on Ancestry, is particularly unhelpful.
Basically, what we have to go on is what the family information is. And in this case, it is conflicting. If someone has copies of old family bibles, it may be listed inside.
I'm sorry I'm not able to clarify things any further. My connection is on the other side of the family (James was the "in law" from my perspective), so I didn't do a lot of research on his side of the tree. But I spent a few hours digging and I wasn't able to find anything that is more helpful.
Best regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: September 5, 2021
Submitted by Name: Linda Colvin Ayers From: Richmond, IN formerly from Patoka, IN E-mail: Contact
Comments: My grandmother, Nellie Meek, was 93 at the time of her death. She would have been 94 if she had lived to her birthday in December. That should help with birth year. I was with her at the nursing home when she passed away. I had been feeding her. The nurse came in to say they needed to change her and then they came out in the hall to tell me she was gone. I can also tell you other things but would want it kept private.
Admin reply: Hi, Linda —
Thanks for stopping by my website! Nellie has conflicting information about her birth year, although I do know that her death certificate gave the birth year as 1875 (which would have made her 93, as you said). I don't think Indiana did birth certificates back then. The censuses are not consistent about how old she actually was.
I believe that I got the 1874 year from your brother Joe.
At any rate, I'll also send you a direct email.
Thanks, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: June 14, 2021
Submitted by Name: Robert Jame Norton From: Newark, Nottinghamshire, UK E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello. Re: Alfred George Giblett and Florence Mary Green. I will try to update the death date of Alfred, but I believe it to be later in 1997. They had one daughter (possibly a son given up for adoption). Their daughter (my mother) is still alive, but I have not requested permission to share her details. I am their grandson, born Nottingham on 10th September 1969. I have a sister, and 3 children, but I have also not requested their permission, but you are welcome to add me if you wish. You must have done some amazing work to find all these related people.
Admin reply: Hi, Robert!
Nice to hear from you (and sorry for my belated reply, even though the guestbook gives my reply the same date as your post). I had some help on the Giblett information from a mutual cousin, although I tried to do research to verify all the details. The death date for Alfred George Giblett comes from the death index, with a matching birthdate. But I'd love to know what information you have...
I'll send you a direct email too, since I've got a little time for genealogy research today.
In the meantime, thanks for stopping by my website!
Regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: May 13, 2021
Submitted by Name: Simon Ward From: North Lincolnshire U.K. E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello, I fortunately stumbled across your website only this week during my research. I am a medal collector and I am lucky enough to have in my collection the Queens South Africa medal awarded to 1276 Quatermaster Corporal Major James William Baldock 2nd Life Guards and the WW1 Victory medal awarded to 301786 Gnr HJ Baldock Canadian Field Artillery. The info on your web site has certainly filled in some blanks on these two individuals and has confirmed my assumption they are father and son. I knew nothing of the formers service in WW1 which is very interesting and have a quantity of research which I am happy to share, as well as images of the medals if you would like to add them to your page. Many thanks, Simon
Admin reply: Hi, Simon —
Thanks for stopping by my website. I'd love to get some digital photos of the actual medals, so I will take you up on your kind offer. I will contact you by direct email soon.
Best regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: March 31, 2021
Submitted by Name: Stephen Murphy From: UK E-mail: Contact
Comments: YOur website was passed to me from a cousin, who is now in Alaska. THere is a few Murphys details need amending for clarity, email me
Admin reply: Hi, Stephen —
Thanks for stopping by my website!
I would love to clarify some of the details in my tree. Of course, with several dozen Murphys in my tree, I don't know exactly who you're talking about. But I can guess, since my information on the ones from Northern Ireland is pretty sketchy! I will send you a direct email and we can continue the discussion there.
Best wishes, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: March 19, 2021
Submitted by Name: Elizabeth Maher From: California E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello!
Thank you for all of your wonderful research!
Anna Hemig was my great grandmother. Were you related to her? I never knew that my great grandmother was married in Holland, Michigan! I was just talking to my Mom (still alive at 94) about the tulip festival there, and how we lived close to it - but never went. Can't wait to tell her that piece of info, and see if she knew.
You list my grandmother and her children, but the spelling is Coari. Also, Doloros is spelled with all o's.
Your hard work is very much appreciated. Would love to hear back from you, and find out we are somehow related!
Admin reply: Hi, Elizabeth —
It's very nice to hear from you again. You may not realize it, but we were in touch about a year and a half ago. I will send you a direct email later on today.
I do know the correct spelling of Coari; in fact, they are listed that way on my website. However, names are frequently misspelled in censuses and other government documents. So I list these "misspellings" as an alternate name. It helps people find you and your tree, especially if they do not yet know what the correct spelling should be.
I hope you and your family are keeping well.
Best regards, Kirsty Haining Everett, Washington
Added: March 7, 2021
Submitted by Name: Susan Berger From: St. Louis Missouri E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Kirsty! I can tell you have put a massive amount of time and effort into this. You should pat yourself on the back! Great job! Thank you for the opportunity to know your story. Your sister in Christ Susan
Name: Angela Vince Saunders
From: Sydney, Australia
E-mail: Contact
Private post. Click to view.
Admin reply: Hi, Angela... I did eventually send you your reply to my private post (as you know).
However, for anyone wondering... my guestbook broke for a couple of years. To my sorrow, I didn't notice that had happened because I had so little time for genealogy research.
Best regards,
Kirsty Haining
Everett, Washington