Andrew Freeman COLLVER 2 3
- Born: 26 June 1863, South Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USA 3
- Marriage (1): Clara Hester WILLIAMS on 3 July 1888 in South Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USA 1
- Died: 13 July 1939, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, USA at age 76 4
- Buried: 15 July 1939, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon, USA
Another name for Andrew was Andrew F. COLLVER.5
General Notes
~~~~~~~~~ below is from Dennis Collver's ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Andrew Freeman Collver (b. 26 Jun 1863, South Coos River, Ore.)(d. July 1939, Portland Ore.) He grew up on he family ranch and orchards on the south fork of the Coos River. After selling the property up Coos River to the Rooke's they obtained they apparently obtained a lot of land up south slough of Coos Bay. Andrew and Clara were married 3 Jul 1888 at South Coos River. She was the daughter of William Allen Williams and Cynthia Ann Todd. Andrew, several of his brothers and Alfred his father all lived within walking distance of each other and would help each other in working the farms and potential farms.
They fished, clamed and did various labor work. Alfred, in his 70's would walk seven miles on trails that they had made, to come visit, then would walk back in the afternoon.
In 1894 Andrew and Clara moved to Sumner and worked for a farmer there. He was paid in Cattle and produce but apparently very little cash. Much of this is documented in Clara's diary so I will include it in an appendix, rather than try to recreate it here.
Andrew had a homestead at Cape Arago about 1895. In it was a family graveyard and several family members were buried there. The state is required to maintain it, but sometime during the late 1950's or early 1960's, the state refused to continue the maintenance, and is now lost. They now refuse to recognize the existence of the "registered" graveyard as they would have to maintain it Map . The June 7, 1900 Federal Census shows the family residing at Precinct 9, Newport, Lincoln County, OR. Their son Hurley was born there. He worked at the Newport Life Saving Station. Andrew Freeman Collver and Clara Hester Williams
He joined the U.S. Life saving service ( precursor to the Coast Guard ). He moved from town to town along the coast, Bandon, Newport, Lincoln City, and Astoria. He was involved with several rescues, this was a rather risky business back then, as all they had were row boats. In fact while stationed in Florence, a number of his companions perished while trying a rescue during one of the frequent Oregon coast storms (Luckily it wasn't his turn to go out). The April 15, 1910 Census shows them living on a U.S. Government Reserve, 3rd Ward, Newport City Oregon. It shows his eldest son Ray as a Carpenter. He resigned from the Life saving service about 1912 to 1914 and worked as a fisherman and some farming in Newport. They moved to Portland in 1917 and he obtained work at the shipyards building ships for the war (WWI). He received a commission into the Coast Guard as a Captain of a tug, that was used for coastal work and patrolling for the duration of the war.
A deed 101/25 dated 1926 shows Andrew owning lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 of block 41 in East Marshfield. The 1926-27 Marshfield City Directory and Tax List shows A.F. Collver living at Eastside and assessed at $30. On March 23, 1927 Coos County filed a suit against Andrew Collver. Andrew and Clara moved to Portland in 1929 and lived with their son Ralph for a short period. They had a total of eight children. Alphie (who died at birth), Ray Clement, Lloyd Maxwell, Ralph Allen, Lysle Freeman, Hurley Monroe, Cynthia Blanche and Ona Grace.
Clara Hester Williams Collver, age 71, passed away September 27, 1936 at Portland Oregon. She was buried at the Masonic Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon. Andrew Freeman Collver passed away July 13, 1939 at Multnomah County Hospital, Portland Oregon and was buried next of his wife at the Masonic Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Oregon Death Index, 1903 – 98:
Name: Collver, Andrew
County: Portland
Death Date: 13 Jul 1939
Certificate: 2188
Spouse: Clara
Collver, Andrew F., was born on Coos River, June 26, 1863, and now owns a homestead at Cape Arago [Coos Co.]. He is a farmer and deep sea fisherman. His wife's maiden name was Clara H. Williams, born in Douglas county, Oregon, October 27, 1871, and their children's names are Ray C., Floyd M., Ralph A., Lyell F.
— from "Pioneer History of Coos and Curry Counties," edited by Orvil Dodge in 1898
Burial Notes
Fir Grove Cemetery (AKA Cottage Grove Cemetery, IOOF Cemetery, Masonic Cemetery)
Recorded Events in His Life
- He appeared on the 1870 US Federal Census on 16 June 1870 in Empire, Coos County, Oregon, USA. 5
AB Collver 50
Ruth Collver 42
Henrietta Collver 21
Ansel Collver 19
Horace G Collver 16
Albert W Collver 15
John S Collver 13
Sarah D Collver 9
Andrew F Collver 6
A Howard Collver 4
Arthillo Collver 8/12
- He appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census on 7 June 1880 in Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USA. 6 Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USA (age 16)
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Alfred B. COLLVER Self M Male W 60 OH Farm Ruth COLLVER Wife M Female W 53 OH Keeping House NY ME Henrietta COLLVER Dau S Female W 32 IA At Ho Orace G. COLLVER Son S Male W 26 OR Works On Farm OH OH Albert COLLVER Son S Male W 25 OR Works On Fa John T. COLLVER Son S Male W 23 OR Works On Farm OH OH Sarah P. COLLVER Dau S Female W 19 OR At Ho Andrew COLLVER Son S Male W 16 OR In School OH OH Howard A. COLLVER Son S Male W 14 OR In Scho Arthur COLLVER Son S Male W 10 OR In School OH OH 1880 Census Place: Coos River, Coos, Oregon
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database: 1880 United States Federal Census Name Parents or spouse Home in 1880 (City,County,State) Est.Birth Year Birthplace Relation
Albert COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER,Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1855> Oregon Son Alfred B. COLLVER Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1820> Ohio Self Andrew COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1864> Oregon Son Arthur COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1870> Oregon Son Henrietta COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1848> Iowa Daughter Howard A. COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1866> Oregon Son John T. COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1857> Oregon Son Orace G. COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1854> Oregon Son Ruth COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1827> Ohio Wife Sarah P. COLLVER Alfred B. COLLVER, Ruth COLLVER Coos River, Coos, OR <1861> Oregon Daughter

- Gallery: The Alfred Bainbridge Collver family, about 1885, in Coos County, Oregon, USA.
- Gallery: Andrew Collver, about 1885, in Oregon, USA.
- Gallery: Detail from Wedding Photo, on 3 July 1888, in South Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USA.
- Gallery: Andrew Collver in the US Life Saving Service, before 1900, in Newport, Coos County, Oregon, USA.
Andrew joined the United States Life Saving Service, a precursor to the Coast Guard. He moved from town to town along the coast — Bandon, Newport, Lincoln City, and Astoria. He was involved with several rescues. This was a rather risky business back then, as all they had were row boats. In fact, while stationed in Florence, a number of his companions died while attempting a rescue during one of the frequent Oregon coast storms (fortunately for Andrew, it wasn't his shift). The 1910 census shows them living on a U.S. Government Reserve, 3rd Ward, Newport City, Oregon. He resigned from the Life Saving Service about 1913.
(Slightly edited version of a story originally shared to the Colver Family Tree on 08 Jun 2008 by nannystodola.)
- He was buried at the Fir Grove Cemetery (AKA Cottage Grove Cemetery, IOOF Cemetery, Masonic Cemetery) in Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon, USA on 15 July 1939.
- His obituary was published in the page 3 of The Register-Guard on 17 July 1939 in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, USA.